Crystallographic defect
Point Defects
- Point defects occur at or around a single lattice point
- They are not extended in space
- Point defects typically involve a few extra or missing atoms
- Larger defects in an ordered structure are considered dislocation loops
- Point defects in ionic crystals are often called centers, such as vacancies being called luminescence centers or F-centers
Vacancy Defects
- Vacancy defects are lattice sites that are vacant in a perfect crystal
- Neighboring atoms may move to occupy the vacant site, causing the vacancy to move in the opposite direction
- The stability of the crystal structure prevents neighboring atoms from collapsing around the vacancy
- In some materials, neighboring atoms may move away from a vacancy due to attraction from surrounding atoms
- A vacancy (or pair of vacancies in an ionic solid) is sometimes called a Schottky defect
Interstitial Defects
- Interstitial defects are atoms that occupy a site in the crystal structure where there is usually not an atom
- They are generally high energy configurations
- Small atoms, like hydrogen in palladium, can occupy interstices without high energy
- A nearby pair of a vacancy and an interstitial is often called a Frenkel defect or Frenkel pair
- Interstitial defects can affect the transport of atoms through crystals
Substitutional Defects
- Substitutional defects occur when an impurity atom is incorporated at a regular atomic site in the crystal structure
- The substituting atom may have a different oxidation state than the atom it is replacing (aliovalent substitution)
- Substitutional defects can shift the equilibrium position of the substituting atom away from the lattice site
- Off-center ions are substitutional defects where the substituting ion is substantially smaller than the ion it is replacing
- Isovalent substitution occurs when the substituting ion has the same oxidation state as the ion it is replacing
Other Types of Defects
- Antisite defects occur when atoms of different types exchange positions in an ordered alloy or compound
- Topological defects are regions in a crystal where the normal chemical bonding environment is topologically different from the surroundings
- Amorphous solids can contain defects, such as dangling bonds in ideally bonded amorphous silica
- Complexes can form between different kinds of point defects, such as vacancies binding with impurities
- Line defects, such as dislocations and disclinations, also contribute to crystallographic defects
Crystallographic defect Data Sources
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