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Article: Carbide-derived carbon

Carbide-derived carbon

History and Nomenclature

  • SiCl production patented in 1918 by Otis Hutchins
  • Process optimized for higher yields in 1956
  • Solid porous carbon initially considered waste
  • Detailed investigation of properties in 1959 by Walter Mohun
  • Russian scientists researched CDC synthesis in 1960-1980s
  • Various terms used for CDC, such as mineral carbon or nanoporous carbon
  • Yury Gogotsi introduced more adequate nomenclature
  • SiC-CDC referred to as SiC-CDC, Si-CDC, or SiCDC
  • Recommended unified precursor-CDC-nomenclature
  • Examples: B-CDC, TiSiC-CDC, WC-CDC

Synthesis Methods

  • CDCs synthesized using chemical and physical methods
  • Dry chlorine treatment commonly used for selective etching
  • Chlorine treatment preferred over chlorination
  • Hydrothermal etching used for SiC-CDC synthesis
  • Commercial production by Skeleton and Carbon-Ukraine
  • High-temperature etching with chlorine gas common method
  • Metal carbide reacts with chlorine gas to produce MCl and C
  • Porosity between 50 and ~80 vol% depending on precursor
  • Micropores ( 2nm) and mesopores (2-50nm) prevalent
  • Pore size control achieved with polymer-derived ceramics
  • Metal or metalloid atoms extracted at high temperatures under vacuum
  • Incongruent decomposition of carbides
  • More ordered carbon structures obtained
  • Carbon nanotubes and graphene can be obtained
  • High tube density reported for vacuum decomposition of SiC


  • Carbide-derived carbons used in electric double-layer capacitors
  • Good electrical conductivity and high surface area
  • Pore size control enables matching with electrolyte
  • Increased capacitance when pore size matches ion size
  • Potential applications in electrical energy storage and water desalinization
  • Gas storage: CDCs can store up to 21 wt.% of methane at high pressure
  • Carbon dioxide capturing: CDCs with subnanometer pores can store up to 7.1 mol CO/kg
  • Hydrogen storage: SiOC-CDC can store over 5.5 wt.% hydrogen at high pressure
  • Tribological coatings: CDC films yield low friction coefficients, improving mechanical strength
  • Protein adsorption: CDCs remove cytokines from biofluids with high efficiency
  • Pt nanoparticles can be introduced to the SiC/C interface during chlorine treatment
  • Pt particles diffuse through the CDC material to form catalyst support layers
  • Noble elements like gold can be deposited into CDC pores, controlling nanoparticle size
  • Gold or platinum nanoparticles in CDCs catalyze the oxidation of carbon monoxide
  • Catalyst support properties can be tailored by controlling CDC pore size and distribution
  • CDI is a desalinization and purification method using porous materials
  • CDCs closely match the size of ions in the electrolyte, increasing efficiency
  • CDC-based desalinization devices show higher efficiency compared to activated carbon
  • CDI operates similarly to a supercapacitor, assembling ions into a double layer
  • CDCs are suitable for obtaining deionized water for various applications
  • CDC has potential for large-scale production at a moderate cost
  • Small companies like Skeleton and Carbon-Ukraine produce CDC-based products
  • CDCs are used in supercapacitors, gas storage, and filtration applications
  • Numerous research institutions worldwide study CDC structure and synthesis
  • CDCs have diverse commercial applications in various high-end industries

Properties and Capacitance of CDC Electrodes

  • Resistance losses in supercapacitor devices are reduced by CDC electrodes
  • CDC electrodes enhance charge screening and confinement
  • Microporous CDC electrodes have high charge storage capacity
  • CDC electrodes exhibit gravimetric capacitance of up to 190 F/g in aqueous electrolytes
  • The highest capacitance values are observed for matching ion/pore systems

Properties and Structure of Carbide-derived Carbon

  • Nanoporous carbide-derived carbon with tunable pore size has been developed
  • Carbide-derived carbon exhibits micro and mesoporosity
  • The electrical double-layer characteristics of carbide-derived carbon have been studied
  • Carbide-derived carbon has high buckling stress
  • Carbide-derived carbon has a high capacitance at pore sizes less than 1 nanometer
  • Silicon carbide is commonly used as a precursor for carbide-derived carbon
  • Hydrothermal treatment can be used to produce dense carbon coating on silicon carbide
  • Epitaxial carbon nanotube film can be self-organized by sublimation decomposition of silicon carbide
  • Carbide-derived carbon can be produced by the hydrolysis of b-SiC powder
  • New approaches for the production of block microporous materials have been developed
  • Carbide-derived carbon has been used in supercapacitors
  • Carbide-derived carbon has been used for high-pressure gas storage
  • Carbide-derived carbon has been used in tribological applications
  • Carbide-derived carbon has been used for interfacial wetting in epitaxial graphene
  • Carbide-derived carbon has been used in the production of nanoporous carbon
  • The pore size of carbide-derived carbon affects its carbon dioxide sorption properties
  • Carbide-derived carbon has enhanced hydrogen and methane gas storage capabilities
  • The particle size of carbon affects the electrochemical performance of electric double-layer capacitors
  • Carbide-derived carbon can efficiently adsorb cytokines
  • Carbide-derived carbon has been studied for its gas sorption properties
  • Carbide-derived carbon films exhibit low sliding friction and wear behavior
  • High-temperature hydrogenation treatment affects the sliding friction and wear behavior of carbide-derived carbon films
  • The tribological properties of carbide-derived carbon films on silicon carbide are influenced by humidity
  • Carbide-derived carbon films have been studied for their tribological properties
  • Carbide-derived carbon has potential applications in tribology

Carbide-derived carbon Data Sources

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