Little finger
Etymology and Usage
- Derived from the Dutch word 'pink,' meaning little finger.
- Earliest recorded use of the term pinkie is from Scotland in 1808.
- Common in Scottish English, American English, and other Commonwealth countries.
- Also spelled as 'pinky.'
- Used extensively in New Zealand, Canada, and Australia.
Nerves, Muscles, and Gestures
- Little finger is difficult to bend independently due to intertwined nerves.
- Pinky swear or pinky promise is a common gesture among American children.
- Similar gesture seen in China and Korea, known as 'yaksok.'
- Japanese yakuza members may have parts of their little finger removed as a penalty.
- Extending the little finger while drinking from a teacup is generally considered snobbish.
- Signet ring traditionally worn on the little finger of a gentleman's left hand.
- Signet ring is part of the regalia of European monarchies and the Pope.
- Iron Ring is a symbolic ring worn by Canadian engineers on the little finger.
- Engineers Ring is worn by American engineers on the fifth digit of the working hand.
- Little fingers are the most common location for wearing rings.
Utility and Smartphone Use
- Little finger is often used as support for one-handed typing on smartphones.
- Some users reported dents and pain in the little finger after prolonged smartphone use.
- Referred to as 'iPhone pinky' or 'smartphone pinky.'
- Indentations on the skin disappear after a short while without cell phone use.
- Little finger support can be helpful but may cause discomfort with excessive use.
Related Concepts
- Finger numbering.
- Fifth metacarpal bone, proximal to the little finger.
- Pinky ring, a ring specifically worn on the little finger.
- Red string of fate, a Chinese belief related to the little finger.
- References for further reading and information.
Little finger Data Sources
Reference | URL |
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